Our worship on Sunday mornings is at 11am and Holy Communion is celebrated on the third Sunday of each month. Everyone is very welcome.
For enquiries regarding Weddings or Baptisms and Infant Blessings, please contact our Church Secretary, contact details on "contact us" page.
In partnership with Churches Together in St. Neots we have a Care Centre which is open from 10am to12 noon on Thursdays. All are welcome for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.
The Fairtrade and Christian Centre have a shop unit within our church building. Here you can purchase Traidcraft and other fairly traded goods, Christian books and greetings cards. The volunteers who work in the shop come from several of the Churches in our town.
Drop in for a cup of tea or coffee, a scone or a biscuit at our Saturday Coffee Morning - every Saturday from 10am to 12 noon.
We are a distribution centre for St. Neots Foodbank which is open from 10am to 12 noon every Tuesday.
The church was built in 1888 and the original Meeting House behind the church was used for Sunday School and other meetings. This was destroyed by fire in 1968 and was not re-built. Several changes and additions to the building have been made since.
In the 1980s a local developer bought some of the land around the church and the church sold an area of land to the developer. This meant that a large hall, over a walkway, and a shop unit was built for the church.
2010 saw the completion of a major redevelopment project within the church.
All the pews were removed and the sanctuary transformed into a warm, light, welcoming space which can be easily adapted to many different uses.


Internally, a series of dark, solid doors have been replaced by glass doors and a removable glazed screen, allowing the sanctuary to be seen from the High Street and making the building more welcoming.


Although there are steps at the front of the building, there is a level entrance at the rear of the church and a lift to the first floor, making the premises accessible to those with disabilities.

As part of the re-development project, a shop unit was integrated at the front of the building. This is The Tree of Hope, a Fairtrade shop and Christian Centre run by volunteers from Churches Together.

An additional room has been created in the former gallery - this is a quiet, peaceful room overlooking the sanctuary and is accessed via stairs.